Being Genuine – The Uniqueness of Churches

Being Genuine – The Uniqueness of Churches

Working to provide a great smartphone app to local churches has provided me a special opportunity to talk to a wide variety of churches across the country. Whether large, small, rural, or urban, there is always something new to learn and takeaway.   

One thing that I have come to appreciate about each church I interact with is the uniqueness of them. Every congregation carries their own personality and tendencies. Whether it be the songs they sing, or the missions they partake in, no church is the same. 

Even churches in the same denomination a few miles away from one another can operate in different ways. One church could have a congregation that strictly enjoys a contemporary style of worship and song, while another sticks to a traditional format.   

These churches do what works for them and what works for the people that attend. What works for one church, probably doesn’t work for another.  

In an age where there are so many gurus advertising what to do and what not to do, it can be easy to get caught up in “the perfect strategy” to follow. But at the end of the day there isn’t a perfect strategy that can be applied to everyone. Lessons can be gleaned, and tips can be applied, but copying what someone else is doing can take away from the realness of the experience.   

Staying true to one’s passions and leaning into the strengths of a group are important to provide the best experience possible to a congregation. The thriving churches we meet focus on their strengths and own personality.  They continue to innovate and change from this base to impact the lives within their congregation.   

By Will York

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